We are glad to inform you that the Geological International Student Summit will be held in St. Petersburg, March 27 – 30, 2025. The meeting is organized by St. Petersburg State University (SPBU).

The goal of the summit is to unite scientists and practitioners from Russia and different countries interested in geology, to review the progress in this field and to report their study results.

The following sections are open this year:
  • Regional Geology and Mineral Deposits Geology
This section includes discussion of current issues in the field of study of regional processes of tectonics, magmatism, metamorphism and development of geological structures, as well as regularities of distribution and conditions of formation of various types of solid mineral deposits, their prospecting and exploration;
  • Stratigraphy, Lithology, Paleontology and Historical Geology
Papers dealing with topical problems of lithology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology and ways of solving them in modern conditions, as well as papers dealing with the use of various methods of historical geology for the reconstruction of the geological history of regions are invited;
  • Oil and Gas Geology
Papers covering theoretical and practical fundamentals of oil and gas geology, such as processes of oil and gas basin formation, methods and types of oil and gas migration and regularities in their accumulation, modelling, field evaluation and development, experimental and theoretical studies of cores and reservoir fluid, digitalization of the oil and gas industry and other related topics will be accepted;
  • Genetic and structural mineralogy
This section is devoted to the study of the origin, properties and structure of various minerals and their relationship to geological processes and conditions of formation. Papers may deal with theoretical aspects of mineralogy and crystallography, experimental studies, application of analytical and modelling methods to the study of minerals;
  • Petrology, geochemistry and geochronology
This section covers the petrological and geochemical characteristics of igneous and metamorphic rocks, geochronological methods for determining the age of rocks, the influence of metamorphism on changes in petrological and geochemical characteristics, the use of geochemical and isotopic methods to reconstruct the conditions of formation and evolution of magmatic systems, and the study of the history of the geological development of regions;
  • Geoecology, hydrogeology and engineering geology
In this section, participants can present practical and theoretical research on topics such as the impact of anthropogenic activities on natural ecosystems, assessment of the ecological condition of territories, geological conditions for construction, forecasting and prevention of geological risks, as well as papers related to field and experimental studies of soils and groundwater;
  • Geophysics and geophysical methods of research
This section will be open to papers dealing with modern methods and technologies in geophysics. Research is expected on the application of seismic, magnetic, gravimetric and electromagnetic methods to the study of geological structures and processes. Papers on the interpretation of geophysical data, the development of new processing and modelling algorithms, and the integration of geophysical methods with other scientific disciplines are also welcomed.

We invite undergraduate and graduate students of universities and young scientists to participate.

The conference involves oral and poster sessions, plenary reports, as well as a variety of geological excursions.

Based on the results of the conference, a book of abstracts will be published in the Russian Science Citation Index.
Pereulok Dekabristov, 16,
С 6 по 10 апреля 2023 года состоится ежегодная конференция, призванная объединить начинающих ученых со всего мира. GISS проводится Студенческим научным обществом Института наук о Земле Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

Мы приглашаем к участию студентов и аспирантов ВУЗов, молодых учёных, экспертов в геологических областях.

Конференция предполагает проведение устных и стендовых сессий, пленарных докладов, а также разнообразные геологические экскурсии.
Important information
Заявки на участие в конференции принимаются до 5 февраля 2023 года.

Для регистрации в качестве участника конференции необходимо заполнить регистрационную форму, приведенную ниже. Также Вы можете отправить на адрес: sno.spbu@gmail.com.

Тезисы должны быть оформлены в соответствии с правилами оформления и представлены в Оргкомитет не позднее 4 марта 2023 года.

Участникам‑студентам в соавторах тезисов необходимо указывать научного руководителя.

Авторы лучших докладов будут награждены дипломами конференции и призами от Института наук о Земле Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.

Если Вам необходимо получить приглашение на конференцию, Вы можете написать нам на почту sno.spbu@gmail.com.
Регистрация и подача тезисов
Заявки на участие в конференции принимаются до 25 января 2023 года.

Для регистрации в качестве участника конференции необходимо заполнить регистрационную форму, приведенную ниже. Также Вы можете отправить на адрес: sno.spbu@gmail.com.

Тезисы должны быть оформлены в соответствии с правилами оформления и представлены в Оргкомитет не позднее 26 февраля 2023 года.

Авторы лучших докладов будут награждены дипломами конференции и призами от Института наук о Земле Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета.
Important information
Start of registration and call of presentation abstracts November 25, 2024.

Deadline for registration and submitting abstracts January 26, 2025.

You can register by filling Google-form. Abstarcts must be formatted according to the rules and sent to giss.inoz@spbu.ru before January 26, 2025 (inclusive). Please, check your paper before sending.

Participants‑students have to indicate science advisor in co-authorship.

Authors of the best abstracts will be awarded by diploma of GISS and prize from Institute of Earth science SPBU.

Expert coordinator
Marianna Aramian
Sponsor coordinator
Matvey Gusev

Organising Committee

Yan Timofeev
Technical application coordinator
Aleksandra Penzieva
Ekaterina Bespalova
Event coordinator
Ilya Danilov
Participant coordinator
Varvara Pertsovckaya
Polina Pupykina

Scientific Committee

Olga V. YakubovichProfessor, Department of Geochemistry
Ekaterina Y. Akimova Senior lecturer, Department of Petrography;

Ivan A. Alexeev Associated professor, Department of Mineral Deposits Geology;

Elena V. Badanina Associated professor, Department of Geochemistry;

Shauket K. BaltybaevProfessor, Department of Petrography;

Nikita Y. Bobrov Associated professor, Department of Geophysics;

Aleksey I. Brusnitsyn — Professor, Department of Mineralogy;

Ekaterina A. Brusnitsyna — Assistant, Department of Regional Geology;

Irina Y. BugrovaAssociated professor, Department of Sedimentary Geology;

Stanislav B. Burlutsky Associate professor, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology;

Ksenia Y. Vasilieva Associate professor, Department of Sedimentary Geology;

Oleg S. Vereshchagin — Associate professor, Department of Mineralogy;

Ekaterina A. ViventsovaSenior lecturer, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology;

Vladislav V. GurzhiyProfessor, Department of Crystallography;

Anastasia A. Eremeeva Senior lecturer, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology;

Viktoria B. Ershova — Associate professor, Department of Regional Geology;

Pavel S. Zelenkovskii — Associate professor, Department of Geo-Ecology;

Anna S. Ivleva Senior lecturer, Department of Mineral Deposits Geology;

Marina P. Kashkevich Associate professor, Department of Geophysics;

Mikhail Y. Kurapov — Associate professor, Department of Regional Geology;

Vladimir A. Lushpeev Associated professor, Department of Mineral Deposits Geology;

Sergey V. Malyshev Associated professor, Department of Geochemistry;

Evgeny V. Nazarchuk — Associate professor, Department of Crystallography;

Valery M. Savatenkov Associated professor, Department of Geochemistry;

Sergey M. SnigirevskiyAssociate professor, Department of Sedimentary Geology;

Konstantin V. TitovProfessor, Department of Geophysics;

Peter V. Fedorov Associate professor, Department of Sedimentary Geology;

Andrey K. KhudoleyProfessor, Department of Regional Geology;

Marina V. Charykova — Professor, Department of Geochemistry.
Scientific committee:
Mikhail Y. Kurapov — Associate professor, Department of Regional Geology;

Institute of Earth Sciences St. Petersburg state university.
Tilda Publishing